Follow The Light

Follow The Light

Every human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction when faced with decisions.

Given many names by spiritual leaders and unexplainable by science, the Light is an invisible guide that many believe has led them to joy, success, and lives of abundance. It communicates directly to every human, urging them to strive for goodness and forgo their natural selfishness.

All human religions and spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function. The core of every religion is founded on the human species’ innate desire to understand this invisible force.

Even without a formal religious affiliation, every human is naturally drawn to the Light.

Though the human mind in its physical form is not capable of fully understanding the Light, conscious thought and intention reveal many of its inner workings and effects. By studying the wisdom of this planet’s greatest minds, humans can discover ways to increase the Light’s powerful influence in their lives.

Some religions refer to the Light with a name, such as God or Elohim. There is no proof that such a creature exists, but there is also no proof that such a creature does not. The Illuminati’s spiritual foundation is based upon this universal conundrum of faith and doubt. We do not question whether a god does or does not exist, but rather focus on the betterment of the humans living on this planet.

The Light, under many names, has been attributed to supernatural changes in the physical realm, including increases in wealth, power, prestige, health, and happiness.

Miracles, attraction, and the belief in unseen powers that can alter the physical world have some basis in truth – supernatural things that the human mind cannot understand but attempts to explain to the best of its ability. Whatever you seek, whatever you dream, whatever you hope: all is possible if you follow the Light.

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